(excerpts from the lengthy email with photos sent to friends on New Years' Day)
Friends, Family & Traveling Companions:
This has been one hell of a year! Our sons moved home, Scott's fine art photography is beginning to take off, we completed the majority of renovations on the old farm house... there was... travel. It's been a fulfilliing, rewarding twelve months.
So, today is Jan 1. Do you remember all the New Years Eves spent together? ...Do any of you get out there and shake it up any more? Scott and I celebrated New Years Eve on 12/30 in Boston. We drove down, checked into a nice hotel near Copley Square, went walking, taking photographs, visited the Boston Public Library (gorgeous), drank Guiness in an Irish pub, dinner in the North End at a terrific Italian restaurant and spent the next day at the JFK Library.
This has been one hell of a year! Our sons moved home, Scott's fine art photography is beginning to take off, we completed the majority of renovations on the old farm house... there was... travel. It's been a fulfilliing, rewarding twelve months.
So, today is Jan 1. Do you remember all the New Years Eves spent together? ...Do any of you get out there and shake it up any more? Scott and I celebrated New Years Eve on 12/30 in Boston. We drove down, checked into a nice hotel near Copley Square, went walking, taking photographs, visited the Boston Public Library (gorgeous), drank Guiness in an Irish pub, dinner in the North End at a terrific Italian restaurant and spent the next day at the JFK Library.
... Bryan returned to Salt Lake for his final semester @ Univ Utah. He's lived there 6 years... SLC has been a perfect environment for his snowboarding, hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, trips to Moab and other adventurous stuff. He received his degree in Environmental Studies spending his last semester interning for Tim DeChristopher, probably the biggest activist in the David/Goliath fight of environmentalists vs Big Oil & the govt. He decided to come home and try his luck here [because I work with so many environmental and govt agencies marketing tourism].
My job at the tv station is wonderful. I love selling this niche product... If this is my last job in broadcasting, I lucked out big time.
My job at the tv station is wonderful. I love selling this niche product... If this is my last job in broadcasting, I lucked out big time.
In April, [we] returned to Anna Maria Island, FL, one of our favorite places... It was a warm, sunny week of beaching, swimming, eating and family time.
This summer, [we] took a small renovated "camp" cottage on Lake Sunapee. We'd never been to this lake and heard lovely things about it...The lakeside homes and old boating garages and wonderful antique boats reminded us of Lake Arrowhead. Those were the days...
Scott ... was commissioned by a local hotel to print 11 images for display in a newly renovated wing... We took a trip to NYC in Sept to meet with an [art] consultant. .. She was enthusiastic and constructive. While they met, I took the opportunity to visit the Empire State Bldg for the very first time. It was SO WORTH IT...
Fletcher and Ashley moved back from Naples, Fl... This winter, Fletcher and Bryan are working in the terrain park of a local ski mountain. Tough life, 11 hours of snowboarding every day and getting paid for it.
[Scott's mother] is doing fairly well...She'll be 85 this week... I think it's been a real adjustment for all and it still isn't perfect but how easily does living with one's parents come after all these years? Bryan and Fletch have only been here a couple of months and they care chafing under our still watchful parental eyes.
Some but not all of you know I participated in a mutual 60th birthday bash in New Orleans in October with [5 of my oldest friends.] ... 3 nights together of eating, drinking and sightseeing, not necessarily in that order...
Some but not all of you know I participated in a mutual 60th birthday bash in New Orleans in October with [5 of my oldest friends.] ... 3 nights together of eating, drinking and sightseeing, not necessarily in that order...
Wishing you the best year ahead with health and happiness and love because, when you get right down to it, that's all there is!
I call this photo "Everybody loves Scott...except Bryan"

Two fine looking young men there, Cali! I love that picture and the bare toes right in the middle. Nice wrapup of the past year. Thanks for sharing it with me, a blogging friend! :-)
Hello! C.G...
What a wonderful re-cap...I remember you adventures in 2011...and what a [very] nice photograph Of you and your family. Here's wishing you a peaceful, fruitful, warm and wonderful year in 2012...too!
Some but not
all of you know I participated in a mutual 60th birthday bash in New
Orleans in October with [5 of my oldest friends.] ... 3 nights together
of eating, drinking and sightseeing, not necessarily in that order... lol...
...You know your children resemble you...Especially, your youngest with you both profiled...Nice avatar too! I really like the ambiance that is captured in the photograph.
Thanks, for sharing!
deedee :-D
Oops! I meant to type ["your" adventures in 2011]...What a nice move to DISQUS...too!
LOVE the family photo! Happiest of New Years to you and yours, CG!
What a wonderful year in review! Hope this one is just as wonderful! :)
Beautiful family photo! Sounds like a great year! I haven't done the "what did we do in 2011" yet but you've got me thinking.
Thanks DJan. It took half a day to write the email to our friends. I was amazed by all we'd done this past year. We drove everywhere too. Only one flight, to Fla, in April. Driving makes it more fun, less of a hassle.
We often hear how much the boys resemble us. I am continually compared to Fletcher, the youngest.
Yes. I like it. It compels me to reply to each comment and that is a good thing.
My husband took them with a wireless shutter release (clicker thingy).
Thanks Betsy. I have a good feeling about this year.
Kate, when I sat down to write it New Years' Day, I was astonished by all we had accomplished. My husband and I traveled a great deal before children. After kids, not much. Now, we are finally in a house where the MIL can watch the dogs and we can go away for long wknds. Plus, we live w/in driving distance of so many great cities and places it's easy to just get in the car & go.
Happy New Year to you!
Not such a good year for me but 2012 holds promise. Happy New Year, I hope 2012 is as good for you as it can be.
2011 was a great for you and I hope 2012 is even better! What a beautiful family you have. :-)
Thank you Nancy. I'm still thinking of that boy, Ben, whose video your posted. That has stopped me in my tracks...in a good way.
I hope 2012 is better, I really do. Take it one day at a time. It's all one can truly handle anyway. Love & happiness to you.
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