Thursday, February 11, 2010

Theme Thursday Mirror

Disclaimer:  I totally lifted this from my 12/30/09 post on my other blog Women of a Certain Age.  No sense reinventing the wheel. 

Every Christmas, Santa fills my stocking with delightful small items; but this year he blew it.  This year, he  included something I viewed with intuitive alarm:  a small, round extreme magnification make up mirror.  Now, I don't know about you, but when you are a women of a certain age, you do not want to view yourself in the extreme.  You may need an average magnifying mirror in order to better see your face without squinting while you apply makeup.  Extreme is another matter. The number of times this thing enlarged my eye was so unexpected and abrupt, I dropped it in dismay.

I look in the mirror every morning before and after makeup.  I am an optimist.  I generally feel I have very few lines or wrinkles or even age spots.  My skin is still on the oily side so I haven't the crepe paper texture so often associated with aging.  However, this mirror shows all my blemishes, crow's feet, enlarged pores and more.  It's like putting myself under a microscope and recoiling from what I now see.  Aarrggh! 

Don't get me wrong, I am trying very hard to age gracefully, sans face lifts, botox and whatever else people use to slow the process.  But, I still have my illusions and that mirror will shatter them if I keep it.  Can't break it as I'll have seven years of bad luck.

I think I'll wrap it and give it to one of my friends.

Photo from


Brian Miller said...

ugh, i have enough people putting me under a microscope much less doing it to myself. smiles. happy tt!

Tanna said...

LOL! I KNOW I don't want that mirror! This trying to age gracefully evades me much of the time. ;) ~Tanna

Nanc Twop said...

I still have my illusions and that mirror will shatter them...

Nice, if ominous, symmetry in that line - good one!

Pop and Ice said...

I feel the same when I'm suddenly under florescent lights. Gah! What happened to my makeup! I'd ditch the mirror as well. I guess it's good that I have no room for such a thing.

Baino said...

Haha I remember this one. I've resisted buying one but my eyesight is failing and i can see the day when it will be a necessity! As for ageing gracefully . . nah, I don't think so.

Tess Kincaid said...

I got one of those magnifying mirrors a few years ago and was horrified to see what everyone else had been looking at! Ack!

(my mirror post today is a recycled one, too)

Anonymous said...

Oh I dunno...My Mom has to have one of these but then she's legally blind. She does well with but still fusses over how well her make-up looks (to which I've had to learn to do eyebrows now! ) And no worries on post recycling, either ;) And didn't see your link in the TT?

California Girl said...

Subby! you are right, my link wasn't in the group and I don't know why as I signed up Sunday and thought I was #26. I guess it didn't take.

Now I'm #77.

Anonymous said...

Blooger glitch? Prob'ly...I've been missing reader updates from a few...

Mrsupole said...

I am now wondering if there is something wrong with me because I love those mirrors. Yes, we see things we do not want to see, but the way I look at it is that now I CAN see what others are possibly looking at, and i can at least try to fix what I think is wrong. Maybe it is an apples and oranges kinda thing.

Oh and they are a complete necessity for finding all those unwanted hairs that need plucking. Hairs that I cannot even see in a regular mirror.

Plus I think that God makes our eyesight worse as we grow older, so that way we will still look attractive to each other. Imagine if none of us over 40 had glasses and could only look at someone naturally, oh yeah, we would look so great and beautiful forever.

But I, myself do thank whoever invented those magnifying mirrors and glasses.

God bless.

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Hey! Sometimes I feel 26 and look in the mirror and see '77'!
Great post the first time, and the second! -j

Leah said...

Oh my gosh, those magnifying mirrors are the DEVIL!!!!

although, as a science project, pretty fascinating...

Susan said...

Can I just lift my comment from the December post? LOL

JeffScape said...

You stole your own post???!!!

