I always wanted to be able to say or act like that if I so desired. You know, the "attitude" that comes when you no longer have to kiss anyone's butt or deliver another pizza or make another cold call or apologize to a client who is obviously wrong but you need their account...that whole "Go along to get along" stuff we choose to endure.
It's called "fuck you money" and there are times I would give a great deal to have it. Despite my mother teaching me manners, my lurking religious hang ups which include "I know I'll go to hell if I do that", I want that freedom without the fallout.
It just sounds so frigging awesome.

I don't think you'll go to hell if you do that, but I can't guarantee it. Hah!
We'll never know for sure, will we? :-)
It is awesome. I used to have it. It left me. I wonder how tall Harry Potter is. I saw him dancing on the Academy Awards. He was much, much shorter than everyone else. I'm calling him Harry because I can't think of his street name.
ha. yeah there are days i would really be able to enjoy just taking the filter off....smiles....
and djan...not until far too late...smiles.
Harry who?
Hi! C.G...
Tks, 4 sharing...It seems as if you and Bogart [actor Humphrey Bogart] are on the same wave-length [when it comes to money and telling people who deserve to be told where to go...lol
It's the last quote and you can also embed the quote too!
I hope that you have a nice week too!
deedee :)
It would be nice to be able to have enough money to say that, but unfortunately the vast majority of us cannot. I think most of the stress we suffer from is worrying about money and paying for all of our bills. Oh the joys of being able to not live from paycheck to paycheck. It was a lot easier when I was also working. Big sigh!!!
God bless.
DJan, hate it when you're right.
Janie, you mean you had FU Money or had attitude or both?
Daniel Radcliffe
Brian, I don't often dwell on it but yes, "there are days"...
The Daniel Radcliffe poster made me think about it...oh, that an a client I wish I could jettison.
Bill, is that all you've got?
deedee, Thanks! I'll embed on the blog for a bit.
Mrsupole, yes indeedy doody. I have created my own stress over money so many times it's pathetic. Shame on me for letting it get to me. I am better now than when I was young, perhaps because I don't see everything as final the way I did then. Inotherwords, I know "tomorrow is another day" and things will always change.
OK, I was attempting to make a subliminal point. Harry exemplies nothing to me other than people's friviolous absorbion of entertainment nonsense.
The cards are stacked against the majority of people to have gobs of cash. Life really is a pyramid, and the cats at the top don't want to share. It's been that way even before there were Republicians. It's also why the French used Guiottines.
Bill, then you'll probably like the cartoon in an older post of mine
I had money, but didn't really have the attitude. Thanks for supplying Harry's name.
Pecking order - a bird's eye view and it always flows downhill ... good one.
I've never had FU money, but was born into the FU attitude. I swear this just happened yesterday. My wife and I were hiking out in the desert and I saw an old mine, It was behind a NO TRESPASSING sign, hanging from a ragged barbed wire fence. As I stepped over the fence to get a better view, my wife said "that sign said no trespassing!" I responded with, "screw that, I'm Pat Tillett and I do what I want!" Not that the name Pat Tillett means anything at all, but I like saying it anyway... Especially when there isn't anyone around to say it to... Yeah, I know it's stupid, but my wife and I always get a few chuckles out of it.
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