The first time I remember falling in love with a truly great pair of shoes, I was working at my dad's office on Hollywood & Vine.
Across the street was a Broadway department store and they had a shoe window. This was the late Sixties, the shoes were a medium mustardy brown pump with a stacked heel and a dark brown thin leather trim around the toe that did a curlicue. They were to die for. But they were also $25 and I couldn't afford them. I thought about and looked at those shoes for days, maybe weeks. I wanted them but I didn't buy them. And I've never forgotten them. Perhaps that unrequited love was the start of my romance with shoes.

If there is one aspect to accessorizing I love, it is shoes. I don't love them the way the ladies in "Sex and the City" love them but I can truthfully say I have bought a lot of shoes in my life. The biggest difference between my thirties and fifties is, I had more money then, was younger, in better shape and four inch heels didn't bother me. I reveled in them. In those days, I bought shoes for every outfit. I bought purses to go with the shoes.

Then there was the Joan and David outlet store I discovered. Once a year, they had a sale, $25 per pair. I went every year and one time picked up five pairs. Now mind you, that is nothing by today's standards but, for me, not a shopaholic, it was extravagant.

These days, I wear low heels or flats. My feet don't mind the heels but I need a knee replacement and that sucker cannot tolerate high heels. Oh no.

Oh yeah, I could go on and on about shoes.
Damn! You really embrace the "women love shoes" concept, don't you?!? ;-)
I have three pairs of shoes and two pairs of boots - one for hiking and the other for yard work. All are over one or two years old. That's it.
Woman though I am, I have never been able to understand high heels...
I noticed quite a few women complain about their ankles hurting, now I know why!
The shoes on the post are to die for! I for one, love shoes but never get a chance to wear heels (although I have quite a few). My job (as a stage manager) sort of prevents that. But a nice looking shoe - it can make an outfit.
My first priority in buying a pair of shoes is comfort; no. 2 is comfort; no. 3 looks. So I've never really gotten bit by the shoe bug. But I know lots of women who have and I totally understand. Sometimes I wish I cared, but somehow those cute little pumps in a size 6 or 7 don't look so cute in size 10 or 11. :(
An enjoyable read. I marvel at the engineering behind some of those shoes.
4 pair..me
my wife...(where is that infinity sign on the computer?)
Oh...I love to look at fancy, beautiful, frivolous shoes...but when it comes to buying...I am pretty practical!
GIVE ME A pair of FLIP FLOPS any day!
This reads somewhat like a confession! -Jayne
I have a thing for shoes. There are probably over 50 pair in my closet. Yikes.
I have a weakness for peep toe pumps...can never have too many pairs! :)
I really love the Alexander McQueen sling back...gorgeous!
Bare feet. What ever happened to going barefoot to church?
Pick a Peck of Pixels
I stopped by from Betsy's blog and just wanted to say 'hi' so you knew I was here. I love all the shoes in your post, but I must say at the point I am in my life at home with all my kiddos, Clark's are my favorites. Of course, I don't wear my shoes in the house, only out, and I'm usually in jeans, and now that I live in Michigan I have to wear boots half the year. And they need to be without heels so I don't fall in the ice and snow, so basically, I don't have really cute shoes like these anymore.
Let's see...one pair of each, I have...boots, flip-flops( a.k.a.-JK's ), work shoes, moccasins...nope. That's it!
And accessorising for me would be t-shirt and sweats or jeans. I know nothing of this concept-LOL!
I am such a shoe freak! I own a closet full, but only wear most of them if I'm not going to be dancing. For dancing, I prefer ballet flats or my trusty cowgirl boots, if I'm going to be dancing on rough terrain. Also, I love flip flops in the summer. Loved your description of all of your faves. Great post!
Comfort, comfort, comfort, and my heels can only be two inches. I was a clutz and I guess will always be a clutz when I wear my shoes. And since the majority of them are low heeled or no heeled sandals I have too many pairs to count. I need to clean out my closet and give some away.
I loved your story about shoes, yes it does explain a lot about why we love shoes. Thanks for sharing it with us.
God bless.
Oh I love to look at them and only if I could get away with a pair of Jimmy Choo's but . .nah I'm a very sensible shoe wearer. The boots I'm wearing as part of my 'corporate' getup are killing me . .I want sunshine and Thongs (not flip flops). Sigh . ..haha your capture is dessoc . .de-sock . .get it. OK it's Friday night . .tired possum I am.
Hi! C.G.
What a very nice post!...about shoes and the pictures of the shoes, do compliment each story that you, tell about each shoe very well...Personally, I have only 4 pair of shoes...L.L. Beans Wellies, Black Ballerina Flats, Jogging shoes and low Winter boots...each to wear during the changing of the season.
Thanks, for sharing!
DeeDee ;-D
i too am a sensible shoe wearer
favourites - Doc Martens and flip flops.
but i DO see the attraction...
This, we definitely have in common.
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