This is the daughter of my close friend who has just completed her first summer internship at a law firm in D.C. Shown here in a photo op with the Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, you can tell by the smile this darling girl is having the time of her life.
Oh to be 21 again with all my life ahead of me!
(I was not at all focused at 21 so it wouldn't have happened.)
I am very proud of this girl. She and her brother became the first friends my sons knew when we moved to N.H. Twelve years later, they all keep in touch. She has grown into a lovely, charming and motivated person with a direction. She wants to be a lawyer, following in the footsteps of her grandfather and uncle. Go girl go!
Yes, that moment in life when pathways appear clear and obvious. Hopefully she can avoid the typical potholes (young men, life's distractions and goodies). Having a daughter graduate law school at the age of 24 is thrilling. The following steps then become very real.
at 21 i still had no idea...cool opportunity to meet Pelosi...i imagine an internship in DC gave several good connections.
Bill and Brian: Thanks guys. I love the male POV. She does not have a serious relationship and her mother and I are glad of that. My sons don't have serious relationships and I'm happy although somewhat conflicted. I wish they each had girlfriends because sometimes I think they could stand to think about something/someone outside themselves.
Yay! I love to see young girls self-actualize!
So nice to see the young ones making something out of theirselves. May she stay on her current path. I wish her well.
God bless.
Good luck to the dear girl.
Oh.. what it was to be 21! :)
Quite an accomplishment, at that age. Not having a serious relationship is probably a plus. She sounds like such a lovely young woman and I wish her all the best that life has to offer.
I interned for then representative Bernie Sanders one summer when I was "running away" from theater. I loved discovering how congress actually worked. They offered my a job that my mother told me I should have taken...But would I have gone back to theater? Oh to be 21 again, indeed.
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