While it seems likely I've taken a long walk off a short pier, I haven't. I am blogging on my other site now
Women of a Certain Age. I took a long break after New Year's. I was tired and uninspired and not even close to being that poetic. When I finally wanted to write again I decided I was torn between two blogs that didn't necessarily compliment one another.
I've opted to continue with WOCA and I hope those of you who followed this blog will join me there. I'm transferring the blogs I follow from this one to that and hope to be back commenting on your various pages again.

Will do! Welcome "back!" I'll update my sidebar to feature your other site.
well alrighty then...
glad to hear you are still out there....and writing...smiles.
Always glad to see you, either here or there. :-)
Updating now!
Foxy, thank you! Glad you did not give me up for dead.
Brian, thanks so much. Love the "new" (to me) do. Nice profiile shot.
DJan, thank you my friend. You're so sweet.
Roy, I am gratified to see you following me on WOCA. Thank you!
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