Sunday, March 9, 2008

Midnight Ramblings

It's 12:55am Daylight Savings Time...which means it's now 1:55am because the time has officially changed for the next nine months. I am writing because I stayed up to watch SNL and laugh. My husband began snoring about 15 minutes ago so I left our bedroom and am now in bed in the kids room...I mean, my office. I thought it would be nice to write this late at night in the quiet and the dark. I thought I might get inspired. However, I am sleepy and I'm thinking it will be nicer to write tomorrow when I'm awake and thinking straight. In the interest of creativity, I did wake up yesterday morning around 4:30am non Daylight Savings Time and had a completely wonderful idea for my next entry. I thought I would remember it, which, of course, I do not. I don't even remember the subject. So much for brilliant thinking late at night or early in the morning.

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