Thursday, January 14, 2010

Theme Thursday Surface

I've been mulling this over for a few days and decided I love the surface of water. Rather than write about it, I'll include shots my husband has taken over the past three years.

Fishing Boat Anna Maria Island

Androscoggin River, N.H.

Autumn Reflection

On the Beach, Anna Maria Island

Reflections in a New Hampshire pond

Backwater Pond

The Lake

Sunrise in Bermuda

All photos by Cole Scott Photography except Sunrise in Bermuda by Libby Fisher.


Anonymous said...

These...are...awesome! The mountain lakes and that Bermuda shot, especially. Great take on the theme :)

Nancy said...

Every single one of those pictures are perfection, but the NH autum is breathtaking.

Brian Miller said...

wow. great pics. i love water too. the reflections ar beautiful, but the little waterfall calls to me.

Kate Hanley said...

The pics remind me of the time we went on a hot air balloon ride and drifted over a pond - we have some amazing pictures of the balloon's reflection in the pond. Nice photos!

Tess Kincaid said...

Stunning! Fabulous shots. Water is so therapeutic, isn't it?

Wings1295 said...

Awesome shots. Don't know which is my favorite, but I really like the autumn one!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

What a great handful of photos. Relaxing and beautiful...makes me wish I was visiting each location!

Stephanie said...


Skip Simpson said...

I LOVE those pictures. They inspire me to paint another landscape this weekend! Happy TT!

Monica said...

That 2nd one's stillness is stunning.

My fave is "Reflections in a New Hampshire pond", so Monet!

JeffScape said...

Nature's mirrors. Gotta love 'em.

Anonymous said...

With those beauties, we don't need no stinking words! Hee Hee!

Minka said...

What could I possibly say to such photos*? WoW!

Joy Keaton said...

Gorgeous - "Autumn Reflections" is especially stunning.

Betsy Brock said...

Perfect for the theme...water does give the most wonderful surface pictures!

Michael said...

Lettuce did this too. Great photos--especially the last one.

Lizzie said...

Your photos are breathtaking. Love this TT post.

Baino said...

Oh you're such a cheat! He takes amazing shots but you're still a cheat! And I agree with you about water I can watch it in all it's weathers, just lovely . .but you're still a cheat!

Tanna said...

Makes me want to "be there" in every shot. Nice association to surface.

Dreamhaven said...

Wonderful photos. I loved them all, especially the reflections

Gary said...

wow, these are beautiful. Truly stunning.

Marguerite said...

Although all of the shots are breathtakingly beautiful, I like the ones of Anna Maria Island, the best. I fondly remember your vacation posts, from that trip and would love to go there, too.

Megan said...

I got no words.

Ruth said...

Once again Cole's skills blow me away. These are splendid. And yes, how interesting that you posted a water theme too. I haven't been over here - I go to your other blog, as you know. So I'm glad you brought this post to my attention after I posted about water too.

You gotta love some synchronicity.

Candie said...

Really nice post!