Sunday, January 17, 2010

Accoutrements of Age

I've caught the cold that's going around; stuffy head, watery eyes, unbelievable congestion, sore throat, cough, relentless sneezing.  I look like I'm coming off a three day drunk without having had any fun.  One side effect has been insomnia during which I tend to ruminate waaaayyy too much on my situation and my life. 

The other night, I turned on the light at 2AM to deal with my sleeplessness.  I looked around the room, focusing on the night stand.  It had a small bottle of sleeping pills, generic loose pills of acetaminophen, a bottle of Benefiber, my bifocals.  The sleeping pills are for emergency, I rarely take them but they're there if I need them.  Acetaminophen is for arthritis at night (supposedly less sleep invasive than Ibuprofen which I take during the day).  Benefiber...I have diverticulosis.  Bifocals?  I can't see.  Add to that the eye drops I now take because my vision is smudgy and my eyes need special cleaning (per opthamologist), the magnifying mirrors I use to put on make up and the exfoliant scrubs I use on my face (hoping to wipe it new I guess). 

WTF???  I realized if I were, say, a prospective buyer of this home and I saw all this "stuff" in the Master BR, I'd think something along the lines of, "old fuckers living here". 


Brian Miller said...

lol. only as old as whats on your bedside table. smiles.

hope you feel better!

Baino said...

I am Sparta! Never taken a sleeping pill or arthritis pill in my life. Don't you laugh now . . seriously. All I take is a multi vit and glucosamine every morning. Yes it hurts and the arthritis in my toes is hurty too and I wake up in a hot flush moment at 3am quite regularly but I shall resist! And I wear multi-focals so nobody can see me peering over my rather cool specs but man o man! Am I a bit stiff in the mornings. Now I know why dogs and cats stretch when they wake up! Tis a bastard getting old.

Ruth said...

When I turned 40 my eye doctor said I might need bifocals now. I thought, oh, this is automatic? Just because a number turned over, my eyes go bad? I didn't need them then. But now 13 years later my eyesight seems to get worse with each passing day. I still don't have bifocals, I just buy cheap drugstore readers. Now those I should have one of in every room of the house.

Ha, WORD VERIFICATION: unfog. This thing is getting wayyyy to smart.

Cole said...

you may be an, "old fucker..." but your a hot one ;-)

California Girl said...

Brian: so, if I change what's on my nightstand, will I change too? (There's a certain amount of logic to that)

Baino: You are a Trojan woman for sure. I am not. waaaa!

Ruth: I like the drug store readers and would love to use those as they are chic and one can change as the glasses trends change. My eyes are different and one is nearsighted, the other farsighted so am doomed to prescrips.

Cole: spoken like a true, loving husband. Thank you. xoxoxoxo

will said...

At least your teeth aren't in a glass of water next to the bed!

I recently grumped to my doc, "There's no upside to aging." He responded, "There's wisdom." And I said back to him, "Wisdom? That only counts if someone is listening."

California Girl said...

Oh yuck Bill...that'll be next.

Minka said...

Why couldn't you write this a month ago or wait for another week or two? Why today when after my right eye getting better, my left eye started to hurt? Today when I realized I don't actually text so much any more and my messages are quite short (or just call in reply to a emssage) simply because it's a nuisance to text with my arm fully stretched or to stir the content of my purse in search for my glasses! Geez! Bad bad timing!

Nancy said...

I liked Bill's response - lol!

I know what you mean. I'm looking out the window hoping for a little more snow to cover the ice so I can take a walk. Falls are something I actually think about now.

Susan said...

LOL, unfortunately I can identify! Geez, when did all this sneak in on us?

Love your hubby's comment! What a great guy!

Kate Hanley said...

I've been lucky so far (touch wood) but I was hanging out with my siblings this past weekend (all older) and they all took out their glasses and insisted I'd be wearing them in 4 years. We'll see. Oh, and I agree with Brian Miller - you're only as old as your nightstand!

Marguerite said...

Now come on, it's just the cold making you feel this way! You're not old, no way. Your hubby's comment proves it! Hope you feel better, soon! :)