My dogs are getting old but they're hanging in there. Dewey is ten now. Dewey is a clown. He's smart, funny and has quite the personality. He's the apple of my husband's eye. They are inseparable. Dewey's absolute favorite thing to do, more than eating, running, barking or sleeping is...riding in the car. He sulks if he doesn't get a car ride each day. Seriously.
Zoe is sixteen. SIXTEEN! We got her from a shelter when she was 2 or 3. When she was young, she was fast. I would often drive her up a long dirt road and let her out to chase the car for exercise. This was usually after work when I was too tired or it was too cold or buggy to walk her. She was a bullet.
her favorite thing to do now is...EAT. She is not dainty. She scarfs up food like it's her last meal.
Old Zoe
Dewey & Zoe about 4 years ago
My husband is Alpha Dog, no two ways about it. The dogs adore him. And, yes, they show it.

ewwww...hahaha....ewwww....that that first shot in the cool...we have cats...or a cat now...our oldest passed at christmas...i want a pups now to grow up with my boys...
Oh, that is funny! I love the pictures of your dogs, but I laughed out loud at the cartoon, true as it is. :-)
Aw...they are both so sweet! Zoe has that old girl white face goin' on. :) Sixteen is OLD for a dog! Good for her!
You all are a wonderful family to them and vise versa. The cartoon cracks me up!! LOL! Have a great weekend, CG. blessings ~ tanna
We are pet free since the last of various cats and dogs from our years with children at home passed on. The spouse talks about getting a dog. I talk about getting a cat, But so far we have done nothing. I like that there isn't a cat litter box to clean or dog poop to scoop out of the yard and I don't miss pet hair on every surface. But, I do find myself drawn to friend's animals when we vist...
Gawd, took Lily to the vet for a check up and usuall jabs..."Just clean her ears and give her the once over" I said...$700 later and they tell me my dog is the picture of health for an 11 year old labrador but has a yeast infection in her ears and an allergy between her toes! I could have bought a new one for that! Happy New Year kiddo.
Amy is now 11 and I long for some sign of creeping maturity but it doesn't come. I long to discover her quietly watching TV or sorting out her stamp collection, but no, it is still all that licking and running, and sniffing, and barking ...
(p.s. Love the cartoon)
Oh my! Those are two cute looking pooches! The cartoon is a classic! Hope things are going well for you so far this year...
Nothing can replace an animals love and loyalty and all they ask for I return is to let them give it to us and return some of it to them. They both look so happy and the cartoon is funny to boot. lol
God bless.
Hi! C.G...
Hi! Dewey and Zoe, both our very beautiful and Of course loyal [I like Dewey's ritual too!]...The cartoon panels are...too funny!
Tks, for sharing!
deedee :)
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