Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Solstice

Festiva Maxima by Cole Scott

Summer Solstice begins this evening in the Northern Hemisphere.  My husband, the photographer, took this macro of a peony, a Festiva Maxima, one of the older varieties.  He's printed it very large, matted and framed it.  It's an imposing piece of art and I'm not sure my blog does it justice.  If you have a Mac or Ipad, the version is crisp and the colors soft but beautiful.

His web site:



CaliforniaGirl500 said...

Thank you Ruth.  High praise from you who also takes beautiful photos and writes such lovely introspective verse.

CaliforniaGirl500 said...

Hi Bill, sorry I've taken so long to respond.  I think it looks like an abstract as well.  He is a fine art photographer and he's always looking for new ways of expression.  My first thought was it looked like a drop of pink ink in milky water.  Another commentor, on his Flickr site, said it looks like a ballerina dress.  His art site is in the post if you'd like to see his many different styles.

ruth19 said...

Peonies are so photogenic. This is unusual with its white and magenta, just gorgeous. I do admire your husband's work very much.

lisleman said...

It looks like an abstract painting.  Has he been doing art type photos for a long time?  My photography knowledge is limited so did that question make sense?

CaliforniaGirl500 said...

Glad you have a Mac.  My HP doesn't do it justice.  

CaliforniaGirl500 said...

Thanks for that Brian.  He is growing as an artist every day.  I know you know how that feels but it's nicer when people say so.

brian miller said...

your husband is an incredible the is like a painted work of art....lovely

DJan Stewart said...

It's very beautiful, I'm looking at it on my Mac. First day of summer is here!