There are so many things I could blog about today: first game of the World Series begins tonight; it's only six days til the Mid-Term elections; President Obama guests on "The Daily Show" tonight; I am in the process of installing a new kitchen...
Instead, I think I'll post a beautiful new painting by Laura Trevey. She just posted to her web site and it grabbed me and made me feel good. Fall colors have passed in New England but down in Virginia, I'm remembering they're probably still pretty this time of year. So sit back, relax and take it all in.
Country Lane
by Laura Trevey
Yes, that is a lovely picture. I clicked on it to make it bigger, but it stayed small. :-(
ah...i want to follow that path into the beautiful leaves....
I came by to say hello, and to my surprise, there was my painting!
Wow, you are so sweet, and I thank you, thank you!!
Hope you are doing well :)
xo Laura
Djan: I uploaded it using "original size". I'll see if sizing it "X-Large" allows you to do that.
Brian: I know! That's how I felt.
Laura: so glad you stopped by. I meant to send you a note and tell you I uploaded it right away. It's just beautiful. Bet I'll get quite a few comments. I usually do on your art.
Djan: go to her web site. the link is in my post.
Installing a new kitchen??? I'm SO jealous! ha. Can't have mine until we get Taylor through college! :(
I just drove down a road like this tonight. Autumn in Pennsylvania is just beautiful. Not as beautiful as New England to be sure but close.
Yep, that's a lovely painting, indeed!
I always enjoy seeing the mix of colors, especially the golden yellows, my favorite.
There's just something about those colors, isn't there? I will click the link, thanks!
Yay, Giants!
Betsy: I'm living with my MIL, remember? I have to have my own kitchen or kill someone.
Hi Kate! How are you? Are you blogging again? If so, I'll be over.
Foxy: I enjoy Laura's work. It's soft, colorful, an artistic focal point for a room.
Matty: Me too.
Megan: Woo Hoo! What a first night they had. SO exciting!
I really love her work. Thanks for the website.
Hope it's going to be installed for you? Anyway, it's a remodel like that it often take care:)
Love Laura's painting - very refreshing!
Beautiful painting! Laura is so talented and I just love her work, too. Hard to imagine the Fall colors being gone, already. They haven't started here and it's still very warm.! Leaves are falling, but only because of lack of rain. We're over 20 inches behind, for the year.
Hi! C.G.,
Ah! That is a very beautiful painting by artist Laura Trevey.
Thanks, for sharing!
By the way,I agree with every word you, said in your post.
I hope that all is going well with your kitchen too!
DeeDee ;-D
Nancy, if you comment, please tell her you came over from my site.
Jeanette: the remodel is going well. My husband is bearing the brunt of it because he's home and I'm not. I just come home at night and admire and comment. It's a slow process. We have the kitchen in, new flooring which needs staining (11" wide pine boards) the appliances now work. Now we need the walls touched up, the trim painted, the floors stained, the windows cleaned and new coverings purchased. We need all new furniture for the family room which is part of the entire area. It's going to be great but it will take a while as it's all out of pocket.
Marguerite: did the storm that just blew through the southeast deliver any rain your way? I'm guessing probably not.
DeeDee: if you visit Laura's site, please mention you were on mine. It's nice for her to know I send folks her way. Thanks so much.
Beautiful. I love watercolors of nature :)
Beautiful painting there. Need to check out her art.
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