Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Theme Thursday Bread

And when I have broken the staff of your life, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven."
Leviticus 26:26

I have it in my head that this week's TT is "kneading" not "bread".  I have a discourse on kneading, a play on words if you will as I am needing much right now.  However, it's not to be and it's now 5pm EST with less than 7 hrs to go til Thursday and I've got bupkus!   I don't make bread so I cannot wax poetic on that experience.   I can discuss it as the "staff of life" however, because carbs are my life.

I love carbs.  I rarely turn them down.   Carbs are me.

My favorite carbs are in bread form:
  • freshly baked, rolls
  • thick sliced bread for sandwiches
  • bread bowls filled with soup (chowder comes to mind)
  • bread before dinner with an olive oil dipping sauce
  • bread with hot melting butter &/or honey
  • garlic bread, heavy on the garlic
  • ciabatta
  • foccacia
  • even some breadsticks are quite crisp & tasty
We all have our favorites.  And then there are those who take their bread way too seriously...

Body Bread by artist Kittiwat Unarrom
I think I just lost my appetite.


Brian Miller said...

omg! that last pic...yikes!

before i saw that image, carbs were a favorite. the crusty outer layer is my fav...still warm...ack! dinner better be ready soon!

ratatouille's archives said...

Hi! C.G.,
Great post...Oh! yes, I have seen that last photograph out there on the internet...Yikes!!!!
Happy Theme Thursday!
DeeDee ;-D

Susan said...

Head bread?!!!! Yikes!

Bread is so, so easy to make! You have to try it, really! Just go to YouTube...they have tons of videos on making bread. Of course, once you make it, then there's the eating of all that lovely carb-o-licious heaven. Bread is my weakness. Hello, my name is Susan and I am a bread-a-holic.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I too, cannot turn down freshly baked bread and pastry BUT...looking at that BODY BREAD...I CAN turn THAT down!

Betsy Brock said...

body bread? Ack! That was hilarious!

Dreamhaven said...

Oh my
What do I spy
Heads made of bread
Oh me, oh my!
I must hide.

JeffScape said...

Okay... I still know where my appetite is... but you've summarily killed it.

That image is rather... intriguing, however.

Candie said...

Nice post even though the last pic is scary!I wouldn't buy a bread that looks like that!lol Happy TT!

Wings1295 said...

Carbs are great, but you can keep those last two! :)

Anonymous said...

Y'know...I saw that last one on a google search. Heads aren't the only thing that bakery makes...excuse me( flush! ) Sorry 'bout dat!

I've never tried the "ciabatta" but looks good. But then again, as long as I've some cheese or butter...

tut-tut said...

holy moley

who could live without bread? must be very difficult.

Roy said...

Man, I hope those weren't made from death masks (he says as the remains of everybody else's appetite runs screaming into the night).

Your carbs list has one of my favorites on it - ciabatta. Mmmmmmm!

Tom said...

head bread...i'm for nibbling on an ear.

Tanna said...

CG you were killin' me with those pictures in my carb-free state! Right up until the last one! LOL! Thanks so much for including it. I was growing weak I tell you... weak! ;)

C.M. Jackson said...

you had me going until the last photo--I think I am cured-thank you thank you--smiling bread with teeth--aaaghhhh! Happy TT-c

Betty said...

Eeek! Though I must confess, it's not actually the fact that they're heads that worries me - it's the clingwrap pulled tight across them.

Ciabatta? Oh, yes please. Warm, from the oven. With lots of butter.

Kris McCracken said...

There is a lot of bread in the Bible. Leviticus always amuses.

Mike said...

They look a little to real to be bread. I hope this isn't a "Snuff" blog lol

The Author said...

Those heads are just disgusting. Who would actually buy and eat one of those?! *shudders*

Gladys said...

While those are pretty awesome they are also pretty awful. How would you like to sit down to dinner with a head of bread on the table.

Marguerite said...

I am a bread freak, too! Must have it ar every meal! Love your list, ditto, except that you forgot the French bread! :) That last pic is hilarious!

Michael said...

Well, I would have been happy not to see those faces before going to bed but those breads yumm! Carbs are the staple of life for me too. Hahahhaha.

Stephanie said...

Body bread is horrific. What sick mind....

Baino said...

Its weird but we don't eat a lot of bread in our house although we can buy just about any type of bread from Pita to Brioche. As for the body bread . . .wrong, wrong, wrong in so many ways. Must get some for next Christmas! Hehehe!

Anonymous said...

Bread...yummy bread...with lots of butter! The last two should be place at the "head" of the table : )

tony said...

Ah! Foiled Again!

Megan said...
