Monday, August 20, 2012

Web Weaving



Betsy Brock said...

Amazing! Wow...what a cool photo!

Brian Miller said...

oh wow this is the blue on the web...

California Girl said...

He went out in the early morning to a bog and shot.

The Silver Fox said...

Wow, beautiful indeed!

California Girl said...

Brian, I do too. You could write a poem around it. You have permission to use the photo if you like. Just give his blog, Pictures for Words, a link & acknowledgement.

California Girl said...

Thanks Foxy. What are you up to these days?

The Silver Fox said...

Not much at all. Internet activity is severely limited due to no internet connection at home!

California Girl said...

Foxy; does this mean you're hanging at coffee houses using free internet?

Bill Lisleman said...

the creative side of spiders

Grandmother Mary said...

What a lovely shot illuminated in blue. And I like the quote.

The Silver Fox said...

Coffee houses, no. Mostly the public library, and occasionally friends' homes.