Five miles or so from our home flows the Swift River, a winding, rocky, snow fed rush of cold water coming down from the mountains. Unsuitable for canoe or kayak, due to huge boulders and low levels, it has picturesque scenic vistas, rocky outcroppings on which to sun, and deep swimming holes if you know where to look.
Our dog Dewey and I on the steep banks looking down at my husband, standing on a river rock, taking the shot. Note the second photo, taken from the river upwards, shooting level. Those trees are reaching out over the river then arching to the open sky.
Thanks! It's pretty funny because we were just slopping around with the dog in the truck and took a drive & then stopped by the side of the road to climb down to the river with the dog so my husband could shoot. Those trees were a bonus.
nice...that one tree that is all bend it really cool...a neat place to sit surely...nice pics of you and the pups...
What great pictures! I love the one of you sitting on that tree.
That last one is so cute! What gorgeous territory.
Thanks Jan. I'm replying again because I'm switching back from disqus to blogger comments and the comments are coming in twice now on Empty Next and NOT AT ALL on Women of a Certain Age.
I wish the internet were easier or that I drank less.
That's mah dawg.
I should have titled this "Lady and the Tramp" because he reminds us of Tramp.
that water would be refreshing to cool my feet on the hot days we have been having. So you gave up on DISQUS?
Hi Bill: for the time being I have. I felt my commentators slipping away on "Women of a Certain Age". Now I've switched successfully back to Blogger & the DISQUS comments restored to this site. "Women..." however is in limbo as are the DISQUS comments. Just hanging in space I suppose.
Talk about "God's country," huh? Stopped by by way of Lisleman's note that you, too, had dropped Disqus due to its not playing nice with Blogger. So frustrating. I'd like to suggest that you embed your Blogger comments; that allows you to reply like you could in Disqus. It's a little more bare-bones, but it works nicely.
Did you ever hear anything from Blogger about the issues? I didn't; just Disqus saying it was a blogger thing. Oh well...
Mrs 4444: Never heard anything constructive from Blogger. I am now struggling to get my comments on my other blog, Women of A Certain Age, re-published. I don't know what the hell I did different with this blog from that. It is SOOOO frustrating.
I don't think I'm familiar with the "embed" process you mention. If you have time, will you enlighten me?
Aw...cute pup...cute you! And what lovely scenery....
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